Friday, August 19, 2011

Scary Stuff

I was angry and frustrated and now, I’m beginning to get frightened.

It seems that every single one of the Republican primary runners is insane. They are religious fundamentalist fanatics who, clearly, care only about the ultra-wealthy. Those two concepts alone are polar opposites. The Jesus character that all of these people go on about, was a Socialist. He cared most for the poor and needy and overturned the tables of the “money changers” in the “market”. He was militant about economic inequality and expressed it over and over again.

It says a great deal about a society who demonizes the hard-working class and venerates greedy, wealthy oligarchs. Fox News pundits are openly biased, bigoted and racist. The comments you hear from them and their guests, literally make one's jaw drop. The latest was something Jon Stewart clearly outlined in a comic performance. The Fox News people were outraged that poor people (who make under $25,000 a year) actually own a refrigerator (correction 99.6% of them own a refrigerator) and they don’t pay taxes... Ooooo! Do they think we don’t notice that the ultra-rich don’t want to pay taxes on their private jets? They would rather the poorest people in the nation pay all of the taxes. Their buzz words are frequently spewed such as “successful”, “productive” and “job creators”. Are they completely loonie? Who, in their right mind, thinks that someone sitting in an office signing papers, or on the golf course in a “meeting” (wink, wink) works harder than a Latino in a restaurant washing dishes? These Republican crazy people should go back to grade school to learn what the definition of “hard work” and “productivity” is. They commonly fake outrage that the rich are picked on and the poor are a drain on society. Who the hell do they think did all the hard work that made the rich, rich? It certainly wasn’t the likes of Paris Hilton.

The fact is, 25%... that’s 1 in every 4 (for those of you who can’t count)... of Corporate Executives are psychopaths (“The Psychopath Test” by Jon Ronson). A psychopath, to summarize, is a selfish, self-centered, unempathetic, unfeeling person who is capable of extreme cruelty without a twinkle of remorse. 25%! And these are the people that Republicans support and praise. I probably wouldn’t be far from the truth to say that many Republicans are probably psychopaths themselves.

You have Rick Perry who is in a religious cult who want to take over the world (kind of like Al Qaida). You have Michelle Bachmann, who refuses to answer questions and has extremely bizarre ideas about life. You have Mitt Romney who believes in magic underwear. And the rest of the primary candidates are openly against 98% of the American population – I know this because they are so strongly FOR the ultra-wealthy 2% of the country.

Then there is President Obama who thought he was dealing with reasonable people. His hair has turned grey because he has had great difficulty accepting the fact that Republicans do NOT love their country... they love rich people. They literally hate average Americans and have said so over and over and over again. The Republican run House will never allow Obama to pass any meaningful legislation because that would make Obama successful and might get him re-elected and they’d rather see the country destroyed than to have a black Democrat re-elected. And even the Liberal media continually attacks the President even though it is so clear that there is nothing he can do against the “say “NO” to Obama” party. He could propose legislation to give Republicans EVERYTHING that they ever wanted and they would vote against it because it's him that proposed it.

And still, millions of Americans believe the Republican lies. They want to cut Medicare (so basically they want to kill the seniors), Medicaid (they want to kill poor people and children) and Social Security (again they really have it in for the elderly). I guess they really don’t think that seniors deserve to retire or have comfort in their old age, even though these are the people who worked for decades to build the country. Republicans are also misogynists. They are against abortions (even in cases of child rape) but at the same time they aren’t willing to help that same child with health care or raising the child. It’s a war against women. If men could have babies, there would be no discussion and abortion would be extremely common.

And last, but not least, they use religion to support their bigotry and racism. They hate homosexuals because some book (written and EDITED by homophobic men – human homophobic men) says (in a couple of sentences) that it’s OK to hate people who are different than you. The same book says it’s OK to have slaves (human beings whose race is different than their own). And yet, these same people are the types who rape little children.

When are average people going to wake up and call these fascists out on their actions? Just wondering?

If these people gain more power in the US, the thoughts of that are scary... some crazy lunatic is going to have nuclear arms within his/her reach. I'm just sayin'.