Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Theists Will Stop At Nothing!

The following is my response to a ridiculous blog I read. It was written by a theist, who, like they all seem to like to do, insults atheists with ludicrous lies.

This is the crazy talk -> http://sacerdotvs.blogspot.ca/2012/07/ban-ignorant-atheists.html

The following is my response that the coward refuses to post:
I have never seen a blog post more fallacious in my entire life. First and foremost, it is the theists who are the bullies, the name callers and haters. They consistently take great pleasure in stating that we, and many others, will spend an eternity in a nonexistent "hell" - burning while they look on laughing at the suffering of others. What kind of person takes pleasure in the suffering of others? Even though hell is hogwash, they believe it's real and relish in such despicable fantasies. Theists hate atheists, anyone in the LGBT community, women, people of colour and, basically, anyone who is not a white, misogynistic, bigoted male. They think they have a right to shove their nonsensical archaic superstitious beliefs down the throats of rational "thinking" human beings. Theist DEMAND we respect their beliefs that are no more plausible than the belief in leprechauns. Their beliefs are based on 2000+ year old myths. These tales came from people who thought epilepsy was the manifestation of demons. Respect? Really? The catholic church has spent centuries covering-up crimes and protecting pedophiles while hundreds of innocent children were tortured, raped and repeatedly victimized by the TRULY deviant in our society. YOU, sir, ought to be ashamed! I'll start respecting magical foolishness when pigs can fly!

And, FYI, Matthew Chatterton has more kindness, compassion, empathy and intelligence in his pinky than you appear to have in your entire being.