Stop all wars. Military personnel will be deployed to New Orleans first to rebuild that area, Detroit after that and then their rebuilding of disaster stricken areas will be prioritized based on need.
Eliminate oil subsidies!
Recall all money given in bailouts with interest (a small percentage). Liquidate Wall Street criminals' assets and lay criminal charges on all of the bastards that made the mess (then seize their assets).
Cut all tax loopholes for rich. 3% tax hike for ONLY the top 2% wealthy in the US. Tax cuts have proven NO JOB CREATION! So take tax cuts away. Make the phrase "punishing success" illegal. The phrase should have been "rewarding the greedy" anyway.
95% tax on ALL corporations who employ people outside of the US! If Corporations don't like hiring Americans, they and their CEO's can move to India and enjoy the heat and lifestyle or China and live by their laws.
BAN all religious language of ANY type from ALL government legislation and debate. Laws should be based on moral conscience, empathy, compassion, equality and of providing basic human needs for ALL. This would eliminate racism, misogyny and bigotry in current legislation.
Provide economic stimulus (from the money retrieved from the banks) to infrastructure. This would reduce unemployment and in turn increase tax revenue.
Nationalize all banks and other financial institutions and REGULATE them.
UNIVERSAL health care for ALL... starting with the 9/11 responders - covering ALL their illnesses including cancer! Regulate insurance industry to eliminate gouging and cap pricing on pharmaceuticals.
STOP GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS by coming up will significant environmental protection.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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