Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oh, Religion!

Fist of all, let's deal with the religious person's (let's call them RP's for typing efficiency from here on out) first "argument" in their defense of religion. It's one word - "faith". The dictionary defines it as a "strong belief in god or the doctrines of religion based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof". I agree with that definition and that is why "faith" is also my number one argument against religion. Why would a species who have evolved so far in science and engineering, ever believe ancient myths that were taught thousands of years ago before there even was science? Why would we believe stories that were told by people to explain their environment (that which could not be explained at the time)? Why would we believe that a supernatural omnipotent being "spoke" to the men who wrote those texts rather than the fact that it was their own, personal moral values being pushed on others? The moral compass of these men was based on bigotry - bigotry of homosexuals, bigotry of women, bigotry or other races, etc. so these men decided that they would tell everyone that God spoke to them or they had a dream (which very well could have been the case) that God spoke to them, when, in fact, it was their own thoughts or a mental condition such as schizophrenia, that actually came to them. And so the tales were eventually written down. Neighbours, with the same fears of the unknown, were told the tales and so began religion. And may I point out that every religion started in this manner. The point is, we now have science. We now know that magic is illusion, we now know that chemical problems in the brain cause some poor people to see things that are not there and hear voices. So why is faith, that pesky word that absolves us from thinking about the things we know to be true, an argument? How can not taking responsibility for our own lives be considered a good thing?

Secondly, why would this insanely stupid argument in support of misogyny, be thought by its writter to be a convincing argument in favour of religion (belief in "God"). If God was real, if god was good, if god was all knowing and all seeing and if god, did, indeed create all things, one would assume that god, who knows everything, would have realized that the "culture" of the time was wrong. That women are sentient beings with absolutely equal RIGHTS as their male counterparts and therefore teach "His" people that the way they treated the women at that time period was brutally wrong, and therefore shell out a whole different set of punishments for those who raped women, didn't allow women to be community leaders, didn't allow women to own their own property and didn't allow women to control their own sexuality. Just because lameassed jealous men didn't trust their wives and so didn't want to feed another man's child is no excuse. Perhaps if those men didn't cheat on their wives they wouldn't have assumed their wives were doing the same thing. And perhaps if the women were allowed to choose their own husband, they would never have dreamed of cheating on the man they loved. You see, if God was real, he would have taught people these things 2000 - 6000 years ago.

He could have said to Abraham instead of "if you love me kill your own kid to prove it" something like "I created men and women to be sentient beings and therefore if a man does not treat his wife as he would like to be treated, it's an assault on me and same thing goes for a woman to a man". Thus ending the misogyny of the times.

You see if God was real, he would not threaten his "children" to believe in him or you'll burn in hell because if he was that great, he'd never have to threaten anyone. And if every human is a "child" of God, why would he pick favourites and tell the Jews in the first five books of the bible to go to non-Jew lands and butcher the men, women and children (yes even babies who couldn't possibly have done anything wrong - unless crying is a crime). Weren't those "non-Jews" God's children too? He even made them kill the damned livestock. What the hell did the animals do to piss off God? And why wouldn't they keep the livestock to feed their own families. Which reminds me, in the one case I recall where the conquering army did keep the livestock to feed themselves, God got completely pissed off and made them suffer big time. WHAT AN ASS!

So, as you can see, these arguments we atheists use are not the "insanely stupid" arguments douchebag above makes... the arguments he makes are insanely stupid for all of the reasons I just mentioned.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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