If a female child is raped through incest or by a stranger and becomes pregnant, she has the right to an abortion. It's not bad enough that she has already been violated in the most heinous way imaginable, now a bunch of old white men in the government are going to force her to endure another 9 months of torture because of some phony sense of morality! Her body is not yours to control you addle minded bullies.
If an adult woman is raped, the same applies.
If a woman will die without an abortion, the same rules apply.
If a woman gets pregnant unintentionally and is not prepared financially, physically or emotionally to go through a pregnancy and have a child or if she simply does not want to be pregnant and have a child, the same rules apply.
It's her body, her womb and her life. IT'S NOT YOURS. And it is NOT a baby she's getting rid of. It's genetic material. There is more genetic material involved when you skin your knee and that's a fact.

Pro-lifers are nothing more than a bunch of control freaks and misogynists who want to have a say over another female human being's body. I say, "Mind your own damn business. If you don't want to have an abortion, don't have one."
Pro-lifers have big mouths when it comes to a woman's right to an abortion but they're usually the first ones to want to eliminate social programs for the poor and take away access to birth control which would prevent most pregnancies in the first place.
The current Republican party - well let me just say that keeping women barefoot and pregnant is a great way to have total dominance over them. These Republicans are misogynist pigs and that's indefensible.
And my last but not least point is that most pro-lifers are religious freaks. They use a "belief" in a non-existent deity to back their anti-abortion rhetoric even though their holy books don't mention abortion. And even if their god wasn't mythical, miscarriage of 40% of all pregnancies would be proof that their deity is not opposed to abortion.
So, pro-lifers, take your misogynistic bullshit and walk away. We, the supporters of real freedom and equality, don't care to hear your nonsense any more.
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