Now, just because other rationalists and skeptics and many theists do not agree with my premise, doesn't necessarily make it wrong.
As one, unconvincing, apologist put it, the fact that there is a chair in my kitchen is an objective physical reality. He then proceeded to twist this logic to merely assert that a deity was necessary for objective moral values to exist. Saying it doesn't make it so. I contend that because there is zero evidence that a deity exists and because a large number of non-believing homo sapiens behave morally towards each other based on objective natural instinctive moral values, then objective moral values can and do exist in the absence of a deity.
Scientific experiments conducted with chimpanzees showed very clear altruistic behaviour towards other chimpanzees in the group even when there was no benefit to the individual. Chimpanzees do not believe in an Abrahamic deity. They do not have "opinions" regarding morality. Chimpanzee objective moral values exist in the absence of a god. So do the moral values of other less intelligent species.
Human infants as young as 12 weeks of age respond to compassion and react to suffering. We're hardwired to experience joy and reject pain and this biological fact can certainly be the foundation of objective moral values. In every culture in the world, there is a universal symbol of happiness. That symbol is a smile and young infants who have been exposed to virtually no culture will mirror a smile and experience the happiness associated with that smile.
Human instinct to seek happiness for themselves and others and reduce suffering for themselves and others is a naturally evolved component of our brains for survival and prosperity of the species. Evolution and specifically natural selection are a far more reasonable explanation for objective moral values than a supernatural entity. No wizard or deity is required.
Saying that a deity is required for objective moral values to exist when the evidence or rather lack thereof clearly suggests that such a being doesn't exist, is circular logic at best.

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