If he wasn’t being such a dick, James Billingham (@ool0n), would be hysterically funny with his attacks of some genuinely nice people.
James is a member of what has become the Atheism Plus “cult” and yes, I’ve used the word cult because their behaviour is very cult-like (see definition 2 below).
cult/kʌlt/ [kuhlt]
1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
3. the object of such devotion.
4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
5. Sociology: a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.
This cult, apparently, started because some drunk fellow asked a woman back to his room to have a coffee with him at an atheism conference. Wow! I mean, holy fuck! What a total ass... telling a woman he finds her attractive and asking her back to his room. Oh... my... Darwin... call the cops.
Not only was her response to that a complete overreaction but the fallout that occurred afterwards just snowballed beyond any reasonable conversation. She made a big deal about the “event” and was, undeniably, badgered and ridiculed for making a big deal. She was, indeed, bullied with threats of violence. There is no excuse for that, however, there was also no need for her overreaction in the first place. Now James (mentioned above) would have you believe that me saying this makes me a rape apologist, and here folks is why I’m not – the woman in question was NOT raped on the elevator. Threats of rape by anonymous assholes on the internet are not, in fact, an actual rape. This I know from, myself, being a rape survivor. I wasn’t just threatened. I was actually raped.
I also was a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace when I was 19 years old. It was a summer job at a real estate company. This 60 year old man, smelling of whiskey, cornered me in the lunch room. There was nobody else in the office at the time. He claimed he wanted a “hug”. What saved me was my quit wit and the lunch table that was between us. I told him that if he didn’t “back off” I would scream at the top of my lungs and that I could scream very loudly. Where this office was in a complex, I’m sure he weighed the odds and figured he had best back the fuck off.
So, for James there, to accuse me of being a rape apologist, is not only untrue and insulting, it’s very much a re-victimization of me as a survivor. How dare he!
The blog post mentioned (that was written by MP) was regarding his attempt to raise funds to help send more women to atheist conferences for more balance in the gender of attendees. He was then cruelly insulted for “subjecting women to the misogynist behaviour at these conferences”. What the actual fuck?!?! His motives were genuinely kind and feminist in nature, not the opposite. And the person who attacked him claimed to be an Atheism Plus member. Now, where I had seen a number of negative comments made towards men (who I knew to be good men), coming from members of this group (at least they claimed to be), is it any wonder that this group gave me a bad taste in my mouth? MP is an active member of the white ribbon campaign. He is as far from a misogynist as one can get. I suspect that what is actually occurring in this A+ “cult” is a, not so subtle, form of misandry. So, having been upset by the comments I saw on his blog post, I made a critical remark about Atheism Plus on twitter. Then the buzzards attacked (one calling me a fucking bitch). I blocked them all and proceeded to forget they existed until an entire year later where I made one more tiny little reference to them being a “cult” and some girl out of nowhere HARRASSED me to the point where I was wondering why they let her out of the mental institution without her meds. After she called me a “liar” several times, I decided to return the favour afforded to me the previous year... called her a “fucking bitch” and blocked her ass. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, I thought. But these odd individuals who appear to be obsessive compulsive by nature weren’t able to move on.
Now, if you will notice, in none of my tweets that James so childishly storyfied, did I say “they are definitely this” or “they are absolutely that”. In every instance, I said, “they appear to be” or “it’s quite likely” because ‘THIS IS MY FUCKING OPINION, JAMES THE MORON’. He and his cohorts have a particular skill at twisting everything that anyone, who criticizes them, says. My thoughts are this... if you can’t handle somebody who fights back (me), STOP BULLYING!
I’m on his list under “Asshole”. Nice! This is the name calling that results when one criticizes their cult. He relishes in calling an actual victim of sex crimes, even more names. What a guy! They seem to have this idea that they are infallible... now is that rational? I think not!
And just a little side note, based on James’ ridiculous rants towards me on twitter, I assumed he was a teenager... I raised three children and recognize adolescent whining. I was actually a bit shocked when I discovered, just yesterday, that he’s an adult. Seriously, I was surprised!
Now poor little James is whining because I called him ugly and greasy. Well, besides the fact that it’s true (there are these things called showers and soap is rather inexpensive), I called him that after his relentless attacks and bullying of me. Pay back is a bitch isn’t it James? How’s it feel dickhead when someone stands up to your bullying? You can dish it out quite well but can’t seem to be able to take it. Perhaps you should consider that some of us fight back after being attacked. This is known as self-defense. Attend some anti-bullying classes and see if you can recognize yourself. Until then, BACK THE FUCK OFF loser!
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