Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Comment on Fundamentally Flawed 2013-10-17

My brain hurts after listening to a creationist make assertion after assertion and I've written a piece which I will publish on my blog once I edit it to address his assertions.

For this comment, I want to speak to only two points. The first is that it infuriates me when a creationist monopolizes the conversation and cries "rude" when one of the other five people in the conversation addresses his fallacies (aka. tries to speak). Review the recording. Note the number of minutes Brian was talking and compare them to the number of minutes EVERYONE else spoke. Who was the rude one that didn't want anyone else to speak and refute his irrational assertions? That would be the creationist.

The second is that atheism is a solitary position on one question and one question ONLY. That question is whether or not a person believes in a god. Atheism is a LACK of belief in any deity. It does not make claims about evolution, abiogenesis, origins of the universe, any philosophical argument that has ever been made, morality or anything relating to science or history. Atheism speaks ONLY to BELIEF. I am an atheist because I DO NOT BELIEVE in a god. I do not believe in a god because I have not EVER seen any evidence for the existence of a supernatural deity. None.

IT WOULD BE NICE IF CREATIONISTS WOULD STOP USING THE PHRASE "atheistic belief" or "atheistic world view" because THERE IS NO SUCH THING as either of those.


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