But let's, for a moment, imagine that god is outside of nature. In other words god is supernatural. OK, so when did god begin to exist? Most often a theist will state that god didn't have a beginning or an end. They suggest that god is eternal. This, in and of itself, is another assertion. There is no actual evidence to support this claim. This is merely a presupposition. They state it as if it is indisputable with absolutely NOTHING to support this claim.
When asked the age of the universe, I've heard answers ranging from 6000 years to a trillion years (large range). The age of the Earth they generally claim is 6000 to 10,000 years old. Radioisotopes, coral core measurements and other methods have been used to estimate the age of the Earth to 4.55 billion years. These are not "faulty" dating methods. That is simply another assertion made by theists. When the different methods are used, the resulting data matches. This testing is repeated time and time again. Astrophysicists have estimated the universe (and updated recently) to be 13.8 billion years old.
OK so regardless of whether the universe is 13.8 billion years old, or 6000 years old, or a trillion years old, and god is eternal, what did this god do for an ETERNITY before he decided to create the universe? An eternity of doing absolutely nothing is the only option. Is boredom why god cracked and became the evil douche portrayed in the Old Testament? Again, none of this "information" has any supporting evidence. It is simply a claim. They state "god is eternal" and expect nobody to ask, "How do YOU know that?"
Now let's address the alleged historical information that supposedly coincides with events written in the bible (by human men) or Koran or any other "holy" texts. Stephen King puts actual geographical places in his books. He even puts Corn Flakes and Campbell's soup in his books. In 2000 years people could discover his books, find historical correlation that Bangor actually exists and that there actually were Corn Flakes and Campbell's soup and claim that ghosts and monsters in his books are actually real. This does not change the fact that the supernatural elements of Stephen King's books are pure fiction created only in the mind of the author. So, even if there are historical correlations between the bible and actual history (which is flimsy at best), how do you make the leap that this proves that a god exists? You can't. It is simply another assertion. The fiction writers of the bible could have easily inserted real places and real events into their fictional tales. It is an unfathomable leap to suggest that because there is historical correlation in a book, that the entire book is non-fiction.
Finally, what makes anyone think that the authors of the books in the bible KNEW that there was a god who created everything and made rules for humans to live by? How did these writers come by this information? Did god show them signs? Did god speak to them? How can you be certain that these weren't people with mental illnesses who hallucinated these "visions" and voices? Today we are well aware of serious mental illnesses where the patients hallucinate. Isn't it more logical that this KNOWN explanation is more plausible than an unprovable supernatural explanation?
Natural explanations for the universe, stars, planets and life on our pale blue dot are the only testable explanations we have for why there is something rather than nothing. It's pure conjecture to assume there is a supernatural entity tossed into the mix.
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